SWP Calculator

SWP Calculator

Total Investment

Expected Return Rate (p.a.)


Withdrawal Tenure


Monthly Withdrawal

Increase Withdrawal Amount By


Total Investment


Total Withdrawal

Total Interest Earned

Run Out of Money In

-- Years

Remaining Amount

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What is a SWP Calculator?

A Systematic Withdrawal Calculator is a financial tool that helps investors plan periodic withdrawals from their investments for a certain time period and the final value of investment left at the end of tenure.

A systematic withdrawal plan calculator is useful for retirees and investors looking for regular income from their investment amount.

Instead of redeeming all of the units in a mutual fund and exiting the market, an SWP allows the flexibility to stay invested in the markets and withdraw fixed amounts at a fixed interval regularly. SWP also eliminates the impact of market volatility and the need to time the markets for lumpsum withdrawals.

For example, an investor has accumulated an investment amount of Rs. 20 lakhs and wants to withdraw Rs 25,000 every month for 5 years.

End of month 1 investment amount = Rs 20,00,000 - 20,000 = 19,80,000

Suppose, the investment grows by Rs 10,000 in the next month.

End of month 2 investment amount = 19,90,000 - 20,000 = 19,70,000

To use the SWP return calculator, you need to input the total investment amount, withdrawal tenure, and expected annual rate of return on the portfolio. It also accounts for an increase in withdrawal amount to accommodate higher living expenses with time.

How to Use Rupeezy's SWP Calculator?

  • Step 1: Enter Total Investment Amount
  • Step 2: Enter the Expected Return Rate per annum on the investment
  • Step 3: Enter the Withdrawal Tenure (yearly)
  • Step 4: Enter the Monthly Withdrawal amount
  • Step 5: Enter increase in Withdrawal Amount as % (yearly)
  • Step 6: The mutual fund SWP Calculator will show you the Total Investment amount, SWP amount, Total Withdrawal and Total Interest Earned. It will also indicate how many years the amount will last and the remaining amount of the investment at the end.

Advanced Options

The Advanced Options in the SWP calculator with inflation are designed to add more details such as inflation rate to show a more accurate and real-world financial picture. It also gives you the option to start withdrawals after a certain time.

  • Enter the Rate of Inflation (p.a.)
  • Fill in 'Begin Withdrawal After' - when you want the withdrawals to start
  • The SWP mutual fund calculator will show you these values: Total Investment amount, First and Last SWP amount considering inflation, Total Withdrawal, Total Interest Earned, how long the invested amount will last and the Remaining Amount at the end of the period selected post all withdrawals.

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