Swastik Pipe Limited
Start Date29-09-2022
Application Timing10am-5pm
Price Range₹97 - ₹100
Min Qty1200
Min. Investment₹120000
Listing DateNA
Close Date03-10-2022

About Swastik Pipe Limited

Swastik Pipe Limited is the manufacturer and exporter of Mild Steel/Carbon Steel ERW Black and Galvanised Pipes, Hollow Steel Pipe, API Pipe, Stainless Steel Tubes, Cold Rolled Steel (CR) Strips/ Coils, Swaged Type Tubular Poles, and Solar Structure.</

Why To Invest in Swastik Pipe Limited

Swastik Pipe Ltd is one of the oldest manufacturers and suppliers of steel pipes and tubes to various heavy engineering industries in India and abroad. 

The company's customers are HPSCSC, SHIMLA, Emanate Pipe Private Limited, Vindhya Teleli

Strengths And Risks
: Availability of raw materials.
: Low wage labour availability
: Good transportation system
: Brand image
: Slow industry growth.
: Disruption of business due to Covid-19 pandemic.
: High level competition.
: Decreasing global steel price
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