R R Kabel Limited
Start Date13-09-2023
Application Timing10am-5pm
Price Range₹983 - ₹1035
Min Qty14
Min. Investment₹13762
Listing DateNA
Close Date15-09-2023

About R R Kabel Limited

Why To Invest in R R Kabel Limited

R R Kabel is one of the leading players in the Indian consumer electrical industry. The IPO proceeds will be used to repay or pre-pay the debt obligations.

Strengths And Risks
Scaled B2C Business: : Company is well-positioned to capture a significant share of segment growth due to our existing market share, brand recognition, diversified product portfolio, scale of operations, sizeable and certified manufacturing facilities, quality and safety of products and the reach of the distribution network.
Distribution Network: : They have an extensive pan-India distribution presence with 3205 distributors, 3341 dealers and 97,248 retailers. They export to 58 countries in North America, APAC, Europe and Middle East.
Diverse Product Portfolio: : They manufacture a diverse portfolio of products across categories, giving opportunity to cross sell products. Since incorporation as a B2C manufacturer of wires and cables, they have diversified into the FMEG segment and transforming to a diversified consumer electrical company.
Well Recognised Brands: : Their focus on safety, quality and continuous innovation, distribution network, connect with electricians and digital and physical marketing efforts have enabled brand recognition in the consumer electrical industry.
Well Positioned in FMEG segment:: To drive organic growth, they also acquire businesses that help expand FMEG product portfolio e.g. LED Lights Business of Arraystorm, Luminous Fans & Lights, one of the group companies, RREL.
Stiff Competition: : Due to the fragmented nature of the wires and cables industry and price advantage that the unbranded players have, there is no assurance that the company will maintain its competitiveness in the segment.
Labour Intensive Industry: : They operate in a labor-intensive industry and are subject to stringent labor laws and any strike or dispute could adversely affect business and cash flows.
Raw Material Cost:: The costs of the raw materials are subject to volatility. Increases or fluctuations in raw material prices may have adverse effect on business and cash flows.
Seasonality: : The wires and cables and fast moving electrical goods industry is subject to seasonality. Typically, customers purchase FMEG products such as fans and water heaters due to seasonal factors which can skew the revenues and cash flows in certain period.
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