KCK Industries Limited
Start Date27-06-2022
Application Timing10am-5pm
Price Range₹30 - ₹30
Min Qty4000
Min. Investment₹120000
Listing Date27-06-2022
Close Date30-06-2022

About KCK Industries Limited

KCK Industries Limited is engaged in the business of trading and distribution of high-quality combed and carded cotton yarns. The yarns are used for apparel, undergarments, Terry Towels, Denims, Medical Fabrics, Furnishing Fabrics and

Why To Invest in KCK Industries Limited

After posting inconsistent performances for the previous three fiscals, KIL reported super profits for 9M-FY22 that raises eyebrows as well as concern for sustainability. The company is purely in the trading activities that always have pressure on marg

Strengths And Risks
Competitive Strengths: Diversified Product Portfolio Focus on Quality and Innovation Experienced Promoters and a well trained employee base Quality Assurance Cordial relations with our customers and Suppliers Improving functional efficiency
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