Harsha Engineers International Limited
Start Date14-09-2022
Application Timing10am-5pm
Price Range₹314 - ₹330
Min Qty45
Min. Investment₹14130
Listing Date14-09-2022
Close Date16-09-2022

About Harsha Engineers International Limited

Harsha Engineers International Limited aka Harsha is one of the largest manufacturers of precision bearing cages in the organized sector in India. The company was incorporated in 2010. The company is a part of the Harsha Group. 

The company

Why To Invest in Harsha Engineers International Limited

1.The bearing cages market will grow at a 6-8% CAGR between 2021 and 2029 to an estimated USD 8,354 million by 2029.

2.Harsha Engineers is one of the critical players offering a diversified suite of precession engineering products across geograph

Strengths And Risks
Diversified: Comprehensive solution provider offering diversified suite of precision engineering products across geographies and end-user industries.
Long term clients: Long standing relationships with leading clientele.
Global presence: Strategically located domestic and international production facilities and warehouses.
High buyer power: Depends on a limited number of customer groups for a significant portion of its revenue from engineering business.
Regulatory compliances: Any failure to obtain, renew or comply with necessary regulatory approvals and licences may adversely affect the operations.
Debt: The company and certain of its subsidiaries have unsecured loans that may be recalled by the lenders at any time.
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