Electronics Mart India Limited
Start Date04-10-2022
Application Timing10am-5pm
Price Range₹56 - ₹59
Min Qty254
Min. Investment₹14224
Listing Date04-10-2022
Close Date07-10-2022

About Electronics Mart India Limited

Electronics Mart India Limited is one of the largest electronics retailers in India. The company was incorporated in 1980 based in Hyderabad. They are the 4th largest consumer durable and electronics retailer in India and as of Financial Year 2020, the

Why To Invest in Electronics Mart India Limited

1. The revenue from the retail channel was Rs 29,312.84 million, Rs 28,991.35 million and Rs 25,801.72 million for Financial Year 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively.
2. The revenue from the wholesale channel was Rs. 530.53 million, Rs. 505.22 million

Strengths And Risks
Scale of the business: : The Company’s scale of operations along with its long-standing relationship with leading consumer brands enables us to procure products at competitive rates.
Growth and industry: : The Company is one of the fastest growing consumer durable and electronics retailers with a consistent track record of growth and industry leading profitability.
Expansion: : The Company’s market presence and geographic reach with cluster-based expansion.
Business Model: : The Company’s business model provides operational flexibility to create a long term sustainable footprint.
Business operations and financials: : As the company is dependent on external sources for its products, any delay or disruption in supply will have an adverse effect on the business operations and financials.
Revenue: : A substantial part of the revenue is dependent on a fixed number of brands. If there is a decrease in the volume supplied by these brands, it will affect the profitability as well as revenue of Electronics Mart India.
Nature: : The industry is open to new entrants and thus very competitive in nature.
Expand Investments: : Expanding into new geographies may lead the company to realise losses in some of their investments.
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