Format for Investor Complaints Data to be displayed by Depository Participants on their respective websites

Data for September 2024
SNReceived fromCarried forward from previous monthReceived during the monthTotal PendingResolved*Pending at the end of the month**Average Resolution time^ (in days)
Pending for less than 3 monthsPending for more than 3 months
1Directly from Investors 0000000
2SEBI (SCORES)0000000
3Stock Exchanges 0000000
4Other Sources (if any)0000000
5Grand Total0000000
Trend of monthly disposal of complaints
SNMonthCarried forward from previous month Received Resolved* Pending**
Grand Total 0000

*Should include complaints of previous months resolved in the current month if any.

**Should include total complaints pending as on the last day of the month if any.

^Average resolution time is the sum total of time taken to resolve each complaint in the current month divided by the total number of complaints resolved in the current month.

Trend of annual disposal of complaints

SNYear Carried forward from previous yearReceived during the year Resolved during the yearPending at the end of the year
12017-18 0000
22018-19 0000
32019-20 0000
42020-21 0000
52021-22 0000
62022-23 0000
72023-24 0000
Grand Total0000