MTF Calculator
What is an MTF Calculator?
MTF Calculator is an online tool that calculates the margin needed to trade a specific stock and the leverage available for trading that stock. MTF calculator helps traders assess the quantum of trade they can place as per the funding available on specific stock and make the best use of trading opportunities in the market.
How to Calculate MTF Margin for Your Trades?
The MTF margin calculator uses simple calculations based on the stock you intend to purchase. The calculation of the margin available on a particular stock is done considering:
- The Market Price of the Stock
- Quantity to be purchased
Total Buy Value = Market Price * Quantity
Margin = % of Total Buy Value
Broker Funding = Remaining Value
How to Use Rupeezy's MTF Calculator (Pay Later)?
Calculate the margin required and leverage offered in easy steps
- Select the stock Name
- You can see the stock's current market price
- Select the total quantity you wish to buy
- Select holding period (in days)
- The MTF Calculator will show you
- Margin you need to place
- Funding available from Rupeezy
- Total buy value
- Interest rate % for margin funding
- Margin rate
(If the holding period is within 7 days, enjoy 0% interest with Rupeezy's exclusive Intraweek Offer. For holdings beyond 7 days, an interest rate of up to 0.03% per day will apply.)